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Hello everyone! Here to explain my plans for this Patreon, that I’ve been lowkey working towards for the past month or so

I’ve made mention about these changes before but I have started to home on the ideas I do want to do! So I’ll get some quick things outta the way and then talk about the tiers themselves


💜SKETCH REQUESTS: Those are on pause for now as I work on fixing up my account, I feel like I haven’t had enough time to actually focus on them so I’ll be skipping out on them for this month but hopefully have them back for the next as more art I gotta do will be done by then! (Will go into more detail when we get into tiers)

💜 SPICY ART: So I know this will be a big question right off the bat. I have to confirm unfortunately I am not doing anymore spicy art. Which is unfortunate for me too! I just wanted to try it out, see if it was a good fit for me, but after my experiences with it, art getting leaked to general disrespect. I do art to have fun, and all of that made art super not fun for me. So I’m going to be switching my account back for all ages. Currently trying to get that changed. Again this is a shame for me too, but after a long time trying to make it semi work I just had to do was best for me, and I hope you can all understand. If you wanna leave it’s okay! No hard feelings and I appreciate the support you may of given me over that time 🩵

💜JOJO: Think this goes without saying, I’ve obviously been more into FNAF art as of late. Don’t get it twisted though I still love JoJo with all my heart, and will probably still draw it here and there but comics currently are FNAF focused. It’ll be no different from when I’d draw CSM or Spiderverse now and again! I really wanna draw some ff pff

💜Other updates: I plan on updating my theming for the Patreon itself! Seeing the tiers have changed fundamentally, I plan on updating both the tier art, banner, and my Patreon post for other socials. Seems only fair seeing the Patreon is going to be different now!


🩵 THE TIP JAR TIER: (probably won’t do)

This tier was only an idea I started to float, a sorta tip jar of sorts! So more casual folks can join the Patreon. After further thought, and once all the ideas were laid out, I kinda figured that the first tier that already exists is already pretty low in payment kinda making a 1$ tier kinda pointless, when for those in the US the tier is already 2$ so seems kinda not worth it. Though like to hear what yall think!

🩵 TIER ONE: The enjoyer tier

Tier one will fundamentally be the same as it is, have early accuse, get wips, ship art, etc the new addition really is “exclusive comics” which is something I actually really want to commit to. Get to experiment more with panel layout and general story with it being on here! Could be a lot of fun and currently working out ideas I want to do (maybe get a few pages ready before posting it here)

🩵 TIER TWO: Get a say tier

So this is where the more obvious changes begin, like before it keeps polls and gets doodle request privileges, but effectively it gets all the perks of tier 3 has, and is mostly the choice people can choose if they don’t want to be apart of the sticker club! I consider this tier basically, if the first tier is getting all the content, this tier gets a say in what that content is actually! With both of course doodle suggestions, and polls. Polls especially I hope to upgrade, I want to ask more questions for it, and with both stickers and exclusive comics, I think polls can play a part in that more. Again this tier has basically gotten all the perks of tier 3, explain it more in the next two tiers

🩵TIER THREE: Sticker club (US/CAD)

Sticker club!! So this is probably the biggest update to the Patreon. Seeing I didn’t want to do nsfw anymore, kinda needed a new perk for here, AND seeing I was already planning on it, I settled on doing a sticker club! Where once a month I send over an exclusive sticker sheet. I’m currently looking into which sticker manufacturer works best for me, and making designs for hopefully the first 3 to 5 months! This tier might also get a limit, starting at 200, seeing definitely gotta get a hang of this first and rather not, on the off chance, get way more patrons I can handle. These numbers could increase with time especially if I do feel confident enough in it! This tier will also include just whatever I decided to throw into the envelopes, maybe exclusive prints, to definitely a personal doodle by me! I think the sticker club could be a lot of fun, and gives me an endless excuse to keep making new merch. Definitely let me know what you guys think! I haven’t enabled it yet, but I will eventually need your addresses (Patreon will ask) so keep that in mind! Again if you’re not into the idea of being part of a sticker club you can move over to the second tier 💜

🩵TIER FOUR: Sticker club (International)

This tier is exactly like the last tier, but for international folks, seeing international shipping can be way steeper, I have to make another tier that’s just a lil more expensive. Get all the same perks as before, fundamentally not different, still 200 peeps limit, still get the extra exclusive things. The tier isn’t real just yet, but if anyone of you are interested in the sticker club, but live outside of US/CAD definitely hop over there as soon as possible AND or join in on tier 2! Either works 💜💜


So that’s everything new I want to change, I HOPE I explained it well across the board, if any of you have any follow up questions, or suggestions etc just let me know in the comments! I’ll try to answer it all! I’ll be slowly but surely implementing each thing I listed here, again already in the process of making the stickers, etc if you have any suggestions of what you wanna see for stickers definitely let me know here too. My plan is this have this all ready for June! That’s my goal currently, June or July! This is lots to do, but I am chipping away at it, SO THANK YOU again to everyone who decided to stay while the patreon is under “Work in progress” means a lot and helps just A TON, especially with the expenses I’ll be making for here. So yeah thank you! I’m very excited for when this is all done and ready and the Patreon is back in full swing of things. I really miss talking and interacting with yall on the regular, with all this OUT there now I hope to be more open about every step of the process! Expect stickers drafts, comic drafts, ship art, etc! Just a ton of stuff in the works!!

Again tysm! And SORRY for all the reading TLDR: I’m cooking BAHA 💗💗💗



Donald Kent

Looking forward to this, I have definitely been on a dry spell for merch these past few weeks/months, I need some Chloe stickers in my life 🙏 Hope all the updates go smoothly for you


Ahh thank you Donald!! I’m glad you’re excited for that! And for sticking around for so long despite like all the changes on this patreon 😭 means sm!! Tysm I'm hoping the best for you too!! I hope I can do a commission for you as well soon it’s been a bit!! 💗💗💗


This looks like it'll be cool to see! While it is unfortunate that you cannot continue the spicy stuff, the rest of the stuff will more than make up for it! It'll be good to see where this goes in the future for you mate!


Also as a side question for the international sticker club, Compared to the pricing now of the top tier (aka what I'm on right now lmfao) how much will it change/be increased? Cause honestly I'd love to get some of those stickers but pricing would be good to know beforehand?