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Happy Easter!! I don’t make themed drawings, but I decided to at least draw a rabbit for today, so I picked mxes seeing he’s a newer character I haven’t yet drawn!

If you’ve ever seen like a picture of this guy, he’s just got this chiselled face for no reason. I actually think MXES is pretty cool, seeing instead of a rabbit per se, he’s more based off a hare! Which explains why he has such unique features

Wanted to make a tiny lil joke about em, and maybe another time I’ll make a more serious comic around him 🩵🩵🩵

Can’t believe it’s the end of the month already, still so much more work I gotta do, but at least now through April and May, I’ll have things to share! Tysm for everyone who’s decided to stick around as I rework this place 🩵🩵🩵




Y'know when I opened up Patreon to see what new stuff has been posted, I didn't expect to see MXES mewing up a storm