Gacha Cummy v1.1 Progress Report (Patreon)
And so, we bring you a weekly progress report on Gacha Cummy! We are happy with the reception of the game's first version and want to express our gratitude for all your constructive feedback. We've taken your suggestions into consideration and have made numerous improvements based on your input. These changes are coming with the release of the next version, and will include general balance improvements, UI changes, progression update and better first time player experience!
As we address bugs and polish aspects of our game, we are also hard at work at creating the next chapter of this tale, as well as side stories with our beloved Guests! Here's a small preview of what you can expect in the next update!
And lastly – don't forget that our voting poll is still ongoing! Be sure to cast your vote to decide which character will be joining this enthralling adventure next!
Ongoing character poll:
As always, please feel free to come hang out in the Discord to let us know what you think about the latest update, ask any questions you might have and, stay up to date with future announcements and news: