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I'll be changing my upload schedule to a monthly basis, in password protected dropbox folders.

The folders will contain ALL of the pages of the current comics in progress. The password will be private messaged to all successfully processed pledges by the 28th of each month.

I feel like I need to do this, at least it would be less easy for my stuff be pirated, and thus make it worth pledging.

Thank you!



Personally, since I tend to have an OCD personality that ends up saving every image to my folder AND then reconciling that with artpacks at the end of the month... I really prefer the once a month art dump :) How will this work for people joining the patreon later on? Will you PM them the password to previous folders, or will the art be public by then anyway?


urgh more effort for stuff that should just be here.


Actually, I was thinking the folders contain all of the pages, including from previous months, the folders are sorted by comic title that are updated each month.


It would be hilarious if you pm'd everyone a unique link, each one has a pic with a tiny mistake, just to see who's leaking your pics.


Wish my Dropbox wasn't full...


I don’t understand how dropbox works. I tried it and got nowhere.