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Hi! I've got a new tutorial for you on how to paint metal and cloth in a way that looks appealing. Plus, I'll point out some common mistakes I see a lot that mess with the material's believability. We'll go over how to use values and specular highlights. By the end, you'll know how to utilize them for material contrast and make your painting and character more appealing! 


I've attached some brushes used in this tutorial for you to try out. But a heads up about the first brush in there – it has a low flow and 80% opacity. Please be careful with it. If your tablet's pressure curve isn't set to very sensitive like mine, it might strain your hand. Honestly, if you're not sure about your settings, it might be better to skip that brush and use any flat round brush instead. You can always play around with the flow. Consider this a little disclaimer since my personal pressure curve is super sensitive.



I really loved you talking through it, thank you!

mahdieh seyedi

thank you for your clear explaination. I learned a lot :)