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Hi all!

Thank you so much for your patience with the updates on the game. I have been focused on writing outlines for Vega's interactions. I'm currently at interaction 6. I'll have a schedule update sooner than later.

The reason for such a delay is that I've been dealing with moving for the past month due to water damage from the rain, and I'm actually currently doing so this week! I'm in the process of boxing up my stuff and moving it all. I have to be moved out of my old place by the 10th so wish me luck! I am already so sore LMAO!

Also this month will be slightly harder to get some good game work done other than writing since my bestie will be visiting me for a month. All reward sketches will still get done, and I'll probably be focused on getting writing done mostly. There might be a few free nights of drawing though.

There's about 3-4 backgrounds to get through for interaction 1, however, after those are done I'll release an updated version, or, if I program in interaction 2 then I'll release that.




Take all the time you need! And hopefully the whole move goes plenty smooth ❤️