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Vega the cobra is a complex character with a multifaceted personality. On one hand, he is warm and friendly, always eager to make new friends and have a good time. He has a natural charm and charisma that draws people to him, and he loves nothing more than to entertain and amuse those around him.

However, there is another side to Vega, a darker and more intense side that only comes out in certain situations. When he knows someone is interested in him, he becomes very domineering and sexual, taking control and making them submit to his desires. He's not afraid to use his charm and hypnotic powers to get what he wants, and he's especially skilled at covert hypnosis, using his watches to manipulate and control others without them even realizing it.

Despite his darker tendencies, Vega is not a cruel or malicious character. He genuinely cares about those around him, and he only uses his powers for consensual play with willing partners. He's especially drawn to the world of BDSM and enjoys exploring all aspects of domination and submission, always making sure that his partners feel safe and comfortable throughout their play.

Vega's fascination with hypnotism and mind control extends beyond just his sexual proclivities. He's a natural problem solver and enjoys using his powers to help others, whether it's helping them overcome fears and phobias or helping them quit bad habits. He's always looking for ways to improve himself and his abilities, constantly reading and studying to improve his knowledge and skills.

Overall, Vega is a complex character with a dual nature. On one hand, he's warm and friendly, always eager to entertain and make new friends. On the other hand, he's intensely sexual and domineering, using his hypnotic powers to control and manipulate those around him. Despite his darker tendencies, he genuinely cares about those around him and uses his powers for consensual play and to help others improve their lives.




Cobras are a weak spot for me ;/////;!


Love him already~~ :3