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Idea we had with pal for pirate setting would have to be humans be the "savages" for once

as such, live in trees, tame animals, harass macro crews that venture into their islands with poison spears n shit.

human cities are usually build near the canopy of the treeline, far from the macro eyes, making spotting their base camps extremely hard.

skilled fighters and athletes, they make up for their size by riding an agressive species of bird, furiously loyal to their master (think big magpies with a mean beak and a tendencies to attack the tender parts, like the eyes n shit)




I mean, humans are aggressive against one another so I could see them being aggressive to others


Dude you literally described magpies, those things are vicious 😆


Their pikes need to be longer. Specifically so that they can charge their enemies from the air. It would likely be serrated and barbed depending on their production capability so that when they yank them out after their pass it does maximum damage. You would want pikes 10 to 13 feet long like the Macedonian Sarissa of Alexander The Great fame.


kinda thought the same, that's why the dude on the bird have a long one, I suppose they change their grip on the pike depending on "in fight/non combat" mode. the smaller ones are actually javelins that peeps throw with the aid of a propulsor (the thing cavemen used when throwing pike at beast n shit) I'll keep note for the rider pike tho! :D spears in the first pic are more for "day to day" life. against insects and the like.

Gravi Arthelis

So those guys are basically weaver ants riding on pterodactyls, that's original alright!