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edit: here's the wip of today!

I think I'll be done this sunday with it

Unrelated but prob important to mention:

my grandma, someone very dear to me, have revealed to be carrying a cancer. We sadly can't operate her (since it would kill her). 

I'll try to not let it affect too much my work flow but well, yeah, expect me to be slower. 




So when it's mechanical, is it a booty or a trunk? A caboose?


As for your family, dude that comes first. No one here will call you out for taking some time to deal with that, and if they do, they're bots from scammer sites. You take care of you. Trust me, No amount of macro porn will buy another second of time.


hey no worries, I don't have the brainrot some peeps seem to suffer online xD "s..sry guys, will be late on commissions cuz grandma is dying uwu" but yeah, was more a head up for you guys. maybe some mood swings in the future too, we'll see