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When I first traveled around Kuala Lumpur, I recall taking the bus from the airport to Kuala Lumpur Central which was roughly an hour and 30-minute journey. This time I decided to hop on the KLIA Express bullet train and while it may have been a little more costly than the bus, it sure was a smoother and faster ride since there was only one stop on the way and there wasn't any traffic like you'd worry with the bus. 

Thinking back on it, I probably should have taken a photo of the interior since it was practically empty with plenty of seats and spaces to store your luggage during the ride. I was kind of too excited for the trip that I didn't get a wink of sleep the previous day before my flight to Malaysia, so the thought of taking pics didn't occur at the time. 

Welcome to KL Sentral station where I commuted between different destinations and grabbed light meals. There was apparently a food court somewhere around here but I never got around to seeing it and according to the Google reviews it's pretty well hidden so the users get to enjoy a nice quiet meal. Instead, I often went to the NU Sentral Shopping Mall which is connected to the train station to grab a bite. 

Since there wasn't too much time I'd spend in Malaysia, I decided on three places I absolutely needed to visit. One of them was the Aquaria KLCC, Petrona Twin Towers Observatory, KL Bird Park.

I noticed this when I was trying to navigate my way through Google Maps but it often seemed to send me in the less efficient roads to reach my destination while in Malaysia. The lack of signs pointing to the famous attractions probably didn't help but this was a lot worse in Bali which I'll cover next blog. 

Aren't they cute? Actually, those are Piranhas. There were a lot of exotic fish being shown at the aquarium and these little guys were one of the first that greets you near the entrance. I was happy to know the place was air-conditioned throughout the complex because it was so hot outside. 

There were some giant fish too bigger than most men which aren't sharks. I thought I took pics of them but maybe I was enjoying the sights a bit too much to remember taking pics of them. I think my favourite corner were either the bearded dragon tank or the fanservice trigger happy turtle that kept following my camera hoping to get caught. 

This guy kept getting in the way when I was trying to take pics of the other fish behind him, so I took several shots of him instead. 

Petronas Twin Towers Observatory was only like 5 minutes walk away from the exit of the Aquarium but unfortunately, I wasn't able to get a ticket to go up there since it was fully booked out. So instead, I've visited the nearby malls instead and had lunch there. 

My love of coffee drew me to this place. There's all kinds and they all smelled wonderful and rich. If I had more room in my baggage, I might have bought a box or two. 

It was another sunny day the next day and I packed my belongings to take the train part of the way to the Kuala Lumpur Bird Park which isn't very far away from KL Sentral Station. After getting off at the nearest station I walked the rest of the way to KL Bird Park and very much regretted the decision due to the intense heat and lack of shelter from the sun. Just as I expected, most people arriving at the entrance were getting there through a ride app like Grab taxi, I think I started to use Grab alot more since then, especially in Bali. 

But here we are, the KL Bird Park. 

This bird was standing at the entrance and hardly moved even when tourists were literally right next to it taking selfies with it. I think it was trying to take a nap, I got a snap too as it was blinking with an annoyed face. 

They were so cute! The flock were casually just walking around as if they were tourists admiring new humans entering the park. It was quite interesting to see them up close like this without them flying away. They only started to back up when you try to pat them. 

There were all kinds of parrots at the park but I think these guys were my personal favourite due to their exotic colours, like a red yellow green traffic light. Sun Conures if I remember correctly. There was an area where you could take photos with any parrot you wanted but I didn't take part in it. 

This was my first time seeing an owl up close. It seemed very tired and sleepy though so I didn't want to bother it too much. Actually, all the birds at the park seemed quite tired if you ask me, and exhausted from the heat. 

I couldn't leave these guys out of the chosen photos. The most obnoxious birds I've seen at the park were the peacocks. Their cries were quite loud and you could hear it throughout the park since there were quite a number of them spread out and roaming on their own. I was always under the impression that their tails are flawlessly beautiful but these peacocks and their tails felt more like a very pretty broom that's been used to drag around the park. 

And occasionally you could see these guys blocking up the main roads doing their peacock show. Every once in a while they get jittery and shake their butt which sends a violent twitch through the tail while in this fan formation. It looks odd when you see them doing this while you're behind them because they'll try to quickly turn around to face you but can't do so quickly enough because of the weight of their butt and the feathers spread out like above. 

Malaysia was quite hot and humid but I quickly realized upon arriving in Bali that this heat was actually quite tame and kinda cool compared to what I'd experience later in Bali. My trip in Malaysia only lasted 3 days and I feel it was just too short. Malaysia was filled with all kinds of cultures and religions gathered in one place and I found that to be quite amusing. It was a nice country to visit with an excellent public transport system and plenty of food to try out whilst enjoying the sights it has to offer. 




That spiky, purple fish looks like a boss mob. Oh, nice. They've also got the Twin Towers.