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Hey everyone, I think this will probably be my real LAST call to remind you all about the physical goods that I'm organizing by the end of this month.

I've heard back from most of you but still waiting to hear back from a good number of you who might miss out if they don't answer the DM. Just to go over it briefly, I sent out a DM earlier this month asking for everyone's postal address so I can send some physical goods. If you ARE a NEW Patron and haven't gotten this DM from me, please DM me ASAP so I can send out the relevant information.

The deadline for postal address collection is by the end of this month. Anyone who contacts me after the end of the month will most likely miss out so please hurry!

For those of you wondering what I've prepared to send out.

Connoisseurs Tier:

  • Postcard x 2
  • Card Tack

Premium Tier:

  • Postcard x 2
  • Card Tacks x 2 (One of them will have a hologram coating) 
  • Handwritten memo

Luxury Tier:

  • Postcard x 2
  • Card Tacks x 2
  • Acrylic Stand(mini)
  • Handwritten memo

First Class:

  • Postcard x 2
  • Card Tacks x 2
  • Acryl Stand(mini)
  • Hand towel
  • Handwritten memo

For any of my PATRONS who are just finding out about this event, please refer to this post for more details.

Please DM me the postal address before 31st October.

So if you are reading this and you haven't sent me your postal address, please do that as soon as you can through DM. I will stop collecting everyone's address and start placing my orders at the end of this month and send them out early next month when I have everything delivered to me and everyone's goodies ready to post.



Jebuz Cordero

I envy those who are going to get a hand towel, how lucky they are


Looking amazing