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Whats up, everyone! I thought it was a good time to announce this as we're past mid-October.

First, let me apologize for the lack of blog updates. I know I promised to write them, but it's been a bit tough trying to write as frequently during the break.

Moving on!

I've heard a lot of responses back and answered to hundreds of messages over the past few weeks. Some of you have gotten responses immediately; others took a bit longer, but as of right now, my DM box is not showing up with any notification! So, I'm finally up to date and caught up with all the responses I got.

That being said, I fear my last two announcements have gone unnoticed by some of you who are my patrons and eligible to receive some goodies (Art merch I made using my artwork). If I learned anything from the last 50-odd messages I replied to, it's that a good number of you have either not received the announcements or you're just checking your DM boxes now and fear it's too late to send me your postal addresses.

The good news is that I'm still collecting addresses from you guys and will continue to do that right until the end of this month. I was initially going to cut it off on the 20th but decided to extend it as I'm still waiting to hear a lot of responses from some of you. The last date I will receive postal addresses from Patrons will end on the 31st of October. If you don't respond to my DM and tell me your postal address before the end of the month, I'm afraid you will miss out on this event.

For any of my PATRONS who are just finding out about this event, please refer to this post for more details.

Please DM me the postal address before 31st October.

So if you are reading this and you haven't sent me your postal address, please do that as soon as you can through DM. I will stop collecting everyone's address and start placing my orders at the end of this month and send them out early next month when I have everything delivered to me and everyone's goodies ready to post.

I know some of you like using your special alias rather than your real name. I have no problem using that to send you the parcel. But in the event that your post is delayed or goes missing and you want to follow it up with your nearest post office, just be aware that it might be a little awkward if you rock up to the post office in search of a parcel addressed to Dixon Buttz or F**kbringer so if you have another less offensive alias for me to use, please tell me in the DMs 



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