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Well... You guys are definitely very quick at answering DMs when there are free things involved, hahaha xD 

Not that I'm judging you, of course, since I'd probably do the same if I was in your shoes. I just found that weirdly amusing. xD

So I'm hearing some interesting questions among the DMs and I think I should try to answer those here.

Q1. When will these gifts be sent out?
I think the earliest I can organize them to be sent out will be by the end of this month. If not, I'm hoping to send them in early November.

Q2. I've only started supporting you very recently. Am I eligible for these gifts?
If you are an Active patron and received my DM just now, yes, you are eligible to receive the gifts!

Q3. Can I give you my PO Box instead of my home address?

Q4. My transaction didn't go through this month! Does that mean I miss out?
Really depends, if you've been supporting me for a while and this is a regular occurrence for you, I'll make exceptions. DM me.

Q5. What happens if I live on a very remote island where receiving posts is difficult?
This happened last time when I did this too. It's real case by case so I don't have a definite answer for this as it really depends on the post office and their ability to ship things to your address.

Q6. Will these goodies be inside normal envelope/packaging? I want these but don't want my family to see me obtaining anime girl goodies before their eyes.
No need to worry, it will be sent inside normal envelope/packaging so your family won't be able to tell what's inside if they receive it on your behalf.

Q7. Can I send you my Postal Address on Discord instead?
Unfortunately, I'd like to get the address through Patreon DMs as I get quite a number of business DMs on Discord and it makes it harder for me to find you when I start organizing everyone's postal address. So please use the reply on the DM I sent you instead.

I think those are the main questions I'm hearing from your DMs

If there's anything I missed out and you're curious for answers, please leave a comment on this post and I'll try to answer them.

You know, for anyone who is OG among my community, this was a lot easier when there were only 100 of you. I feel like Santa Claus taking down notes on all the goodies I'll need for when I make that trip to the post office at the end of the month.

Thank you so much for all your support everyone! It brings me so much joy to be able to do cool events like this again after all these years.

You guys make me who I am, I really can't thank you guys enough for supporting me as a creator. ♥



Pierre Johnson

There were no deep philosophical topics in this DM, much less thought required for an appropriate response.


Hey! I didn’t get a dm so you’re probably making a special one for me cause jm such a good boy😎