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Hey everyone! 

So there is a troubling announcement I need to make this month.

But first, I'd like to thank each and every one of you who supported me in the sale of my Creator cup in Gamersupps store! Thank you so much, I honestly did not expect the amount of support I've received and was pleasantly surprised at the interests everyone has shown for my OC, Sister Reine. 

I'm still getting DMs from you guys asking me when I'll be drawing Reine again with the new design so let me address that here, I will be drawing her more frequently from now on. I'm going to make an effort to draw her once a month if possible! 


Now, for those of you who want the TLDR of the troubling announcement, I've been so busy and overworked lately that I've been feeling the burnout to work on art this month. 

Gumroad rewards for next month will be delivered at the same time as usual.


To elaborate further than a TLDR, it's not that I haven't been working, I've been working almost nonstop this month ever more so than any other months or maybe it's because I've been working like this for as long as I can remember that fatigue finally caught up with me this month. 

Honestly it brings me no joy and only disappointment to announce this but I thought it's best to be as transparent with you guys. 

I apologize that I won't be producing new art content this month. 

I know I probably should have said this much sooner but I believed I would be able to push myself through the mountain of work and fatigue to continue working on art for this month but I was wrong and the camel's back finally cracked under pressure. I really can't apologize enough for this huge oversight. 

It really feels like I've finally found my limit of how far I can stretch myself thin before I'm unable to work. 

That said, since I'm unable to work on art this month, I've repurposed my efforts in focusing on areas I can try to develop further. I've spent time trying to improve myself in writing more dialogues which you guys will see in the next few days and I've also spent a lot more time on learning video editing as well as making dubbed shorts on YouTube. 

As for Gumroad rewards for the coming month, I plan on making a special collection works of a genre of work I did into a pack. One of these will be a Genshin Collection and maybe another. If I can do a lot of dialogue works in the coming days for you guys, I might include those in there too. 

So, Gumroad will be sent out as usual next month on the 5th/6th. 

Again, allow me to apologize for the inconvenience.


Omg you guys are the sweetest kindest people I know! Thank you so much for all the kind and supportive responses.

I feel truly blessed to have you guys in my community! ♥



Please, take a mental health break when you need one.


Take as long as you need. Burnout sucks! I admire your discipline and creative drive, and I think you've more than earned yourself a break. Besides, your health and happiness is important. We'll be here when you're ready, so please don't feel guilty! It happens to all of us. I wish you the best, and I hope you rest well!


What?! Gamersupps cup, is it still available?! Need me a degenerate cup.


Don’t push yourself to much! Take care of yourself


Burnout sucks, take care of yourself


Take care of yourself Reine, don't push too hard, after all you are not a machine; you're a human and you also need a break, I know you want to deliver quality content to us and we care a lot about you; Burnout is horrible and drains all our energy, both physical and mental. Nothing wrong with taking time off, don't do your job as a chore, think about your happiness and your health first, we want your best and we love you so much, take care ❤️


Rest up sister Reine


Hearing that makes me want to give it my all next month when I've recharged again! Thank you so much Toasty! I'm really lucky to have your support!


Oh! It was on sale in January this year! I made a post about it here along with a animation ^^ https://www.patreon.com/posts/gamersupps-reine-77811980


Thank you Felix! I'll be sure to rest up as much as I can and return stronger than ever!


It's an occupational hazard, I think most artists like me tend to feel nervous about taking breaks in between works. But you're right. I'll try to take one now.


Oh, I never once thought of my art as a chore, though. Part of the reason why I've always given plus ultra with art here is that I enjoy making these artworks with you guys! I want to always treat you guys the best I can and produce the best works I'm able to. I'm really lucky to have your support Rafaelima! Thank you so much!


Everybody has their limit! It doesn't help anyone if you get that exhausted, so make sure you take care of yourself first. We'll be here once you're rested!


You guys are so sweet. It fills me with joy knowing you guys are the ones I'm drawing art for! I am forever grateful for the many support I've been given by this community. Thank you LongIsland!


Everyone needs a break every now and again. Just worry about taking care of yourself.