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I've been thinking of drawing Samus since she's been mentioned several times in the polls over the months but finally got to sit down to start and finish this piece to the end!

It felt boring to put her in the usual Zero Suit so I added my little twist and turned it into a suitskirt. I'm sure there's probably a word for this kind of outfit somewhere so if anyone want to shed light on this topic, please leave it in the comments and I'll enrich my range of vocabulary! xD

Dialogue variants will be coming later! 



Anime FemPyro

I still prefer Zero Suit!


Beautiful! The skirt modification is a fun twist, and I really like the detail of Zero G and how the stuff floating around combines with the lovely viewport perspective of the planet below and space beyond to make a really dynamic background/foreground for her to occupy. And of course Samus herself looks fantastic. Really love how you've done her hair :) I think skirt suit is pretty on point, though I've also seen business suit and power suit when I decided to do some very brief looking into it. And suit dress. If I had it my way I would just call it a squirt. Which is...really fitting, in a way.


This is great but I actually prefer the little metroids. So much nostalgia there. Thank you Foxy. Would like to see more art from you on just regular non nsfw things.


I love Samus. Thank you and it looks great!