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The NSFW version is finished!

I've sent the files over to Washa so we should now wait to see what miracles Washa can create from this haha xD I'm so excited for it too! It's my second time working a collab with Washa, first being Modeus from Helltaker I drew a while ago. 

I suspect Washa will finish the animation in 2 or 3 weeks give or take. I think Washa said the animation process will begin in late January.

As you all know, I halted the payment process for this month as I'm taking a break from Patreon to focus on vtuber commissions while they're hot stuff. But I had previously discussed with Washa on a collab for this month so this is more or less a passion project for the two of us. I'm probably not going to do an animated piece for next month. Sitting on 50-50 on it for the time being. 

I think this is a good chance to address one question that's always being asked.

"Do you redraw the illustration when making variations?"

Short answer, is yes. I've had several people with this piece along asking me if they can turn off the clothing layers on the PSD file to see Ganyu's naked body and the answer is sadly no not quite ^^;; I think the misconception comes from some artists on Twitter who showcase their artwork by removing a piece of clothing from the character by using the erase tool to erase the clothing layer piece by piece to reveal the naked layer hiding under the clothing layer. Normally illustrator's don't draw the layers under the clothing unless we have to since...it's all extra work and hours spent.

Was it a good idea for me to break that particular illusion about art? haha... maybe? xD But I think you guys should know about it since it's a pretty frequently asked question. 

I do enjoy answering these kind of questions though so feel free to bombard me with whatever questions you might have about these kind of things either on discord or here and I'll be happy to answer them for you if I can! ^^ 




She looks amazing! Cant wait to see Washa's animation of it!