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Hmm did I tell you how I'm currently hooked on Genshin Impact? xD 

So I think I may have said that I will be having this animated by Alex but wasn't thinking straight when I wrote that because I later realized that umm... I really need to go back a lot of steps to redraw and create asset layers along with different lighting/shading style if I want this to be animated. This procedure is much easier to do when you know it's going to be animated from the very start when illustrating the work. 

Long story short, I won't be animating this. Instead, I decided to make more variations than planned for these NSFW variations. 

But yes... I can probably do it but it takes extra time and effort, time which I severely lack these days so I won't. 

Instead, I'll work towards animating other things like Koyanskaya (Scene 2, where two Merlin appears!). I'll also work towards animating Ningguang as well. Fingers crossed though, I do feel like I've taken on more work than I should already so I may not do it or keep something simple. 

Getting back to Signora though. She left quite an impression on everyone when she first appeared. She might be a villain now but maybe she'll become a playable character in future content. Just the right amount of glamourous and sexy, I actually thought she was designed to be the final boss of this game, to be honest. 

She definitely showed the tone-deaf Venti whose boss around these lands. 

PS: This is just a screenshot from Google, not my UID. 

In this illustration I worked on, I added a little spin of my own spin on it after she gives an Archon a good kick where it hurts. 

Their first Gnosis! As the first Harbinger who managed to acquire a Gnosis, Signora just had to celebrate with some of her most reliable henchmen, and where else but the scene of the crime with the Anemo Archon laying on the ground stunned! 

1 hour later~

Hmm? Where else did you think she'd hide it? 




Perfection~! 😍


Thanks our Signora Foxy