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Do you have that moment when you sit in front of the computer wondering what to write and the words just don't come at all for like hours and you stare into the empty screen wondering what you should write? That's kind of how I began the day today xD I always think of what I could write to make the polls more interesting but half the time it just sounds like me ranting on about something. I hope you guys don't mind that because I sat here thinking about how else I can approach this but couldn't really think of something interesting... haha ^^;; 

Hmm let's see. Ningguang is the winner?! To be honest I thought Pyra would win since she had the 2nd largest votes from the last month's poll. Olga did surprisingly well considering I'm sure not many people have watched Kuroinu before haha xD I also thought Ganyu would have around the same amount of votes as Ningguang if it ever came down to Genshin Waifu showdown between the two. Votes always works in mysterious ways, you guys have and probably always will surprise me with who you select for the month's waifu. Speaking of Genshin....why didn't anyone nominate Keqing? >.> judging from the amount of simping she gets from Genshin discord communities and youtubers, I figured she would have been far more popular than either Ganyu or Ningguang haha xD honestly, you guys are mysterious and work in mysterious ways for me to fathom! Keep being awesome everyone! 

Oh and just as I assumed, my gumroad pack this month ended up more or less as a Genshin Waifu artpack haha. I've already sent the download links to your message boxes so please download them when you can~ ! 


Ah and this is a good chance to address the concerns people have voiced about the waifu nomination. Well it's been some time since a few people have DM'd me about this but the question was.

"Can I Nominate a Lolí (Yeah... I had to use the funny i character just to type that without triggering the Patreon Panic No Fun Police System) character for the Monthly Waifu Poll?"

So initially I did say no to this mainly because of my artstyle which leans more towards curvy ara ara type of physiques, that and the ridiculous amount of backlash/censorship I'd get for just drawing the genre. But there's really no reason for you to not nominate them. My opinions regarding that has changed and I am completely fine if you nominate such characters, however! Just as you've see in the waifu poll this time, mama Shuten, I will most likely age them up if I do end up drawing them.

I'm wondering how I should draw Ningguang now that she's the victor for the month.

Ah but heads up guys, this one won't be animated. Alex and I are currently working on another project this month animating a Double Merlin tag team threesome with Koyanskaya. Some of you must have seen it in my picarto streams already but yes that's being worked on for this month's animation collab. 

I think if Alex has time to spare... we might even get a lewd animation of Signora this month or the following month! Please look forward to them.

And I thought I was supposed to cut down on work produced per month starting this month... 


I guess I'm just a workaholic, but for real I need to slow down ==;; 

That's all from me with this Waifu Poll announcement! ^^ 

Have a great week everyone! 



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