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Hi everyone! It's almost December already, it feels like it wasn't that long ago since I was busy writing the December announcement a year ago while I was celebrating Christmas in Thailand. 

Have you all managed to snag some goodies during the Black Friday Sales? I didn't purchase anything as nothing really caught my eye, but I hope you guys have managed to find some excellent deals here and there. 

So without further ado, I would like to announce a big change for my Patreon in the coming month. As mentioned in my previous posts, I've been considering the idea for some time and while I've tried to get back into the rhythm of things, I'm finding it a lot more difficult to do that now for various reasons. I won't delve too much as to what reasons these are since I've mentioned them before and mentioning it again might be seen as annoying by some.  

Starting next month, I plan on reducing the amount of art I create every month to 3 Patreon artwork per month. However! These will all include a NSFW variation. So for those of you who were worried whether or not I'm dropping NSFW art projects from now, that isn't the case! Thankfully, Alex has expressed his interests to try and set aside some time every month to do a collab piece with me (Still depends on his personal schedule). To recap, I still plan on hosting Waifu Polls every month and the winner will be drawn by me and if possible, it will be animated by Alex. Aside from that, I will have another 2 Patreon exclusive art (NSFW) released on this platform every month. 

That's pretty much the gist of the art side of things. 

Aside from Art, I plan on reducing the time I spend on art and try to be more social with my community. I know it's something I've been doing less and less over time (Compared to when I first started out as a content creator) and it's one of the areas I want to improve on. Hopefully, by reducing the amount of artwork I work on per month, I'll have more time to be more of a social butterfox. 

I'm sure those of you who have been following my Twitter would already know that I've started a Vtuber Model Commissions as well this month. When I noticed that there is a huge demand for this, I just had to give it a try before I lose out on the opportunity. I don't believe in fortune-telling like Mona does, but I don't think it takes a genius Astrologist to figure out that this trendy hype probably won't last that long...at best I'd say it might even be over by mid next year. I don't know where it's from but there was that saying, Strike while the Iron is HOT, and I think right now is the most opportune hot moment for me to strike at the iron that is Vtuber Commissions. As such, I'm planning to share my thoughts, experiences, and findings here as well... like a bit of a personal journal of sorts (of course with visual spoilers as to what I'm making...maybe if the clients don't mind). I've had several friends push me to give this a try before it's too late and I was genuinely surprised how fast it all sold out on the commissions slots... I will work hard! I hope you guys can enjoy this strange unusual experience with me! ^^ 

When I think back to my art journey up to now, I feel as though I've run all this distance without taking a single breath. I feel like a marathon runner who is super out of breath and experiencing muscle pains in every single muscles. I think I tried so hard to create as many artwork with plus ultra quality all this time because I always felt that my artstyle and skills were still very lacking compared to many of the more popular artists out there. I thought I'd make up for the difference by creating quantity + quality as well as being much more vocal than many of my peers to try and stand out above the rest... ^^;; It's been a good run, I'm actually surprised to see just how far I've run without looking back ever since I received that initial push from my dear friends who are still with me on this platform to this very day, and of course every one of you who pushed me to reach this point in my art journey. Thank you from the bottom of my foxy heart. <3 

It's a bit unfortunate but I think I really do need to heed everyone's warnings and start slowing down a bit to pace myself better. The lifestyle I lead currently boils down to full-on art and art only lifestyle without enjoying the sunlight. When I think about it, it was only a matter of time this unhealthy lifestyle was going to come back to haunt me with health problems, nothing serious yet... so I'd best not take any chances. 

Regardless, I am very proud to have come this far with everyone who supported my dreams. Without you, I probably wouldn't have been able to travel for as long as I did, conquering Airport problems of many countries, experiencing exquisite delicacies across the world, and meeting stray feline friends from all corners of our wonderful world. So once again, my dear friends, thank you for encouraging me to go beyond what I thought was impossible and seek out improvements I didn't realize was waiting for me to take notice. I feel like I completely butchered my English here and there writing all this haha. It's really given me the courage to come out of my shell and try out different things I'd never have dreamed of trying.

Now I'm getting too emotional so I'd best end my announcement/letter here before it becomes too difficult for me to finish this post. 

Thank you, I hope to continue being the hard-working friend you can casually approach online for a chit chat. ^^ 

Phew, that was a long wall of text. I haven't been able to write that long for some time now. I wonder if this means that my writer's block is kind of gone now. 

Well! Time for me to get back to work! 


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