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Well, I'm pretty sure I've done enough teasing about this in my earlier post when I posted the completed variations of Siege. By the time Siege was posted on Patreon ( Not the Animation ). I was starting the earliest sketches of this fluffy priestess. Honestly, it was going to be a whimsical project, a followup of what Siege mentions in the above foreshadowing dialogue of potential lewds of Pramanix. If there's one thing I'm known for by art customers and patrons, it's that once I get started on projects I seem unable to exercise moderation when it comes to quality >.> 

At this point, I may as well acknowledge it that it's a double-edged sword personality. By the time I realize I've overworked on the project, it's a bit late to stop my hands at a less quality polished artwork. 

Prammy is one of the recent examples of that. I've worked way beyond what I've originally aimed at and eventually it ended up becoming a 4 part variation illustrations. 

Did I stop there? No, after seeing how well Siege came out animated by my new animator friend who was eager to work on more of my illustrations, I got hyped into cutting it up for him to breathe life into this. During the process, this artwork got a complete makeover with several enhanced effects and an additional variation on top of it. I seem to create more work for myself don't I? 

The animation will take some time, I hope it will be delivered within this month. As for the different variations...they will be finished in the next day or so! 

Last but not least, I might be unresponsive for the next few days.

( Yes, even more unresponsive than usual as I'm moving yet again into a new accommodation. I expect I'll be completely exhausted by the time I make the move in three days from now.

I'll still post the finished illustration of Prammy before the move though. Oh, and before I head off to a new round of work for the day, I do have a teaser here in case some of you aren't in my community discord or haven't seen the sneaky announcement ( I didn't @everyone ). A small spoiler to what I'm doodling ( hopefully with more moderation being exercised since time is something I'm lacking as always ).

With that, I'm off to start a new day of work~! But first, I'll go grab a coffee. ^^



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