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The monthly Waifu poll is here! June already omg xD It's been months since I've been here in Taiwan and 2020 looks almost as bad as 2019 on a global scale even! How are you all coping so far? As for life in Taiwan, it looks like it pretty much went back to normal...almost? There's still a lot of people wearing masks in public areas (especially the Trains) but for most part it's business as usual here. Every shop is open and the government has released open statement about how Taiwan hasn't seen a single Corona patient for the past 51 days. On one hand, I think I pretty much lucked out with finding the most safest place to be stranded on (with minor hiccups with my lodgings/accomodations...).

But enough about my life in Taiwan.  I think this is a good time to cover one the of the most frequent question I get from everyone I spoke with through Patreon.

It might not be so surprising but one of the most frequently asked questions I get is from patrons who want to get into art is... where do you begin?

=====If you want to skip it, scroll down until you see these lines=====

I always say, start small and make sure you see each projects to the end. Have a clear goal of what you want to draw before you begin the project. How would you define a clear "End" to stop drawing? I think that's the most important step to ask before you draw anything. I briefly talked this over with Leaf from my discord.  There's a few reasons why I think it's important to do so.   

1. Knowing you finished a project to the end gives you a sense of achievement and confidence to try another project.  

2. There's much to learn from after you finish to see all the mistakes you made along the way by analysing it.

Attempting to finish an artwork from get go can be quite a daunting task. It's why I always try to tell my friends to start slow and finish mini projects like an arm. Having a good knowledge of drawing anatomy would help you in the long run since it serves as a guideline for you to make instinctive decisions on what part looks awkward and how it should be fixed.

Working on a illustration is a bit like making a good hamburger for the first time.
You have a vague idea of what goes where and how it should be cooked but the chef would tell you to start things slow by first learning how to make the meat pattie, then moving onto learn how to best cook the pattie (when to flip/how long you should wait etc). After you do that the chef will teach you how to best toast the buns, what condiments to add to get the different tastes, what ingredients fits best with a chicken pattie as opposed to pork or beef pattie etc etc and you build on the knowledge in the long arduous quest to build a great hamburger.   

Art is a bit like that. Trying to finish one with incomplete knowledge will get you an incomplete hamburger at the end which needs a lot of fixing.

Likewise I think that incompleteness by itself is still a great way to learn as long as you manage to see through it to the end to see what could be done better for next time.

What's also important here is not to lose heart. Can't stress that enough. You need to be able to face the problems and not get too bogged down by it or you might get depressed to attempt another.

There's plenty of ways to learn how to draw or make a good burger. I'm not saying either way is the right way to go about it since I fell into the latter as well when it came to cooking in general.

I kept making burgers until I got good at making instinctive choices to pick out what would go nicely with the burger and how I should cook the patties with internal timer ticking in my head as I prepare other ingredients. Same stuff with art, there are times I don't like a piece I'm working on but I still make efforts to finish it since there's something to learn and take away from it, like asking what could have been done better and how would I go about doing it next time? 


Okay, I think that pretty much covered that question. I've been meaning to answer that for a while, just haven't found the opportune moment to bring that up. One of these days I'll have to make a FAQ page. 


And short reminder for my new patrons.
Each month I take Waifu Suggestions on my Patreon Discord
(You need to be either First Class or Luxury to suggest)

The suggestion collected for the month is then reviewed by me, I then decide the final 10 who gets added to the waifu polls. The winner of the poll gets drawn by me throughout the month. ^^ 

Please note that you need to be a Patron in order to vote. If you're not a Patron then your vote will not be counted. ^^;;

So with that said...

The Poll will run for 48 hours once this post goes live!
Participation is Restricted to Patrons Only )   

  • Fans to NSFW Connoseiur are allowed 1 Vote
  • Premium are allowed 2 Votes
  • Luxury are allowed 3 Votes
  • First Class are allowed 4 Votes.  

To VOTE Leave a comment below with who you are voting for! Your votes are final once you post the comment! You won't be allowed to change your votes!  You can either Vote here or on Discord --- « But do not Vote on both »  




3 Votes for Jeanne Alter!


Asuna x3


+2 for Modeus please.


A vote for modeus


Asuna and modeus


Darkness and Modeus


x4 for Asuna


x2 modeus x2 valentine

