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Well as some of you know from my chats on discord, it's been a few days since I've moved to my new place. From a busy night market (yeah it gets packed at night time) I moved to residential district this time which is still relatively close to Taipei CBD but much more quiet than my last place. The Taiwanese government has extended visas for all foreigners currently in Taiwan so I'm eligible to stay here until early next month but who knows? Maybe the travel ban will be extended and I'll be staying here for another month. 

I think this is probably the longest time I've spent in one country ever since I started my travels as I started my Patreon. I spent what...? 4 months and now leading up to my 5th month here. Longest I've ever stayed in one country before this was probably Lithuania and Bulgaria both of which I've stayed 2 months. I think, as much as I enjoyed my stay here in Taiwan, I'd like to move to a different country right about now. It's also getting hotter here in Taiwan so... I kind of miss the cool breeze from Poland (Oh, and the fresh cherries vendors sell on the road...right next to the local Biedronka. )

One thing I don't miss though is the long hours on the plane. I sometimes used to spend a whole day inside an aircraft or sometimes I was stranded in the airport for a day just wandering aimlessly to pass the time while waiting for my next flight. The most memorable one being stuck in Beijing airport for a night while trying to get to Poland. I don't think I'll be able to do that again if I was to do it all over again. I'll just spend a bit more on buying a direct flight instead. 

My plans for next month is still up in the air. I'm not sure where I can even travel to. I was thinking if Thailand opens its borders again I might try my luck again at the frustrating visa office I wrote about last month...but who knows? Meanwhile, I'll just do my best here where I am...once I've recovered from my ongoing muscle pains from moving my luggage around >.<;;

So to list the good news. The new place I'm in is a lot spacious and cleaner than the last place. Oh yeah... the last place as I was packing my stuff the night before I was to leave the next morning a huge cockroach slipped through under the doors and hid inside the couch where I've packed my bags. I think that probably affected my sleep that night because I was dreading all the possibilities which will not be mentioned here >.> It took me several days resting to make a recovery from the move. I feel a lot better now so chances are I'll be able to get back to doing art streams tonight after dinner. 

Hmm...I think I covered everything I wanted to for the month. Gumroad reward will be sent out tomorrow via Patreon messages so please check that when it becomes available. 

Ah, I think I should probably address this once again for my new patrons. I take Waifu Suggestions on Discord on the waifu suggestion channel (You need to be either First Class or Luxury to suggest)

The suggestion collected for the month is then reviewed by me to decide the final 10 who then gets added to the waifu polls. The winner of the poll gets drawn by me throughout the month. ^^ 

Please note that you need to be a Patron in order to vote. If you're not a Patron then your vote will not be counted. ^^;;

So with that said...

The Poll will run for 48 hours once this post goes live! ( Participation is Restricted to Patrons Only)   

  • Fans to NSFW Connoseiur are allowed 1 Vote
  • Premium are allowed 2 Votes
  • Luxury are allowed 3 Votes
  • First Class are allowed 4 Votes.  

To VOTE Leave a comment below with who you are voting for! Your votes are final once you post the comment! You won't be allowed to change your votes!  You can either Vote here or on Discord --- « But do not Vote on both »  




3x Narmaya


Djeeta*1 Narmaya*1


Guild girl and narmaya


3x narmaya



