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I know that there are some of you who really prefer the vanilla side of things so if you are one such individual then I would highly advise against reading past this point because this alter version is a complete opposite of the pure and innocent image of Sakura. 

This is the last warning for the Vanilla Enthusiasts as I'm aware there is quite a few of you on here in my Patreon ^^;; 

With that out of the way, here is the more Perverted Innocent Evil side to Sakura. I'm not sure what to call it since the older generation of fans used to call her Dark Sakura while the FGO generation would probably call her using the Alter naming convention introduced in FGO and call her Sakura Alter. 

Either way, I think I've prattled on long enough to hide the next part of the story below. Don't say I didn't warn you~! 

Yes, I made a Korean version for this one as well for anyone who is an enthusiast in the language though... I can't say there's a lot of you here yet haha. 




I love how much work you put in all of your art :D Nicely done!