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I haven't had the chance to play the FF7 Demo since I'm currently lacking the console to play it but it seems that the demo was extremely well received and among the highlights of the demo was Jessie's amazing makeover ( she now has a voice! ) 

For anyone who played the old FF7 games and needs a quick reminder on who she is. It might be best to show you the old character models for Jessie than me explaining it. 

Look at those wonderful stubby hands. They look like paddles strapped to her wrist instead of hands. Yet at the time, this was groundbreaking and revolutionary as far as RPG games went. I vaguely remember what other games I used to own at the time. Parasite Eve? Crash Bandicoot? Soul Blade (The OG Soul Calibur). Oh and I had Spyro. 

Admittedly less pointy bits than Tifa. Well! I'll be lewding her shortly! 

Please look forward to it. ^^



Yris Miret-njer

OMG YES!!!! COME 'ERE BABY, Foxy is going to use some magic on you 😍😍😍😍😍💞💕💞💕❤️💋❤️😍


In the immortal words of Foxy,I'll be lewding her shortly...:D


Those hands remind me of Animal Crossing, but it's good old spheres instead of paddles lol I hope I can catch your stream when you lewd her d:


Maybe I ought to draw a version where her hands are paddles then? xD