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The Patrons have spoken and the results are out!

It was a very close battle between Exusiai and Sakura but it looks like Sakura won the poll by one or two votes. Once again I couldn't have seen it coming since this month had so many new faces aside from the constant runner up half-genie, Shantae.

I originally predicted that the votes would come down to a three-way contest between Shantae, Exusiai, and Aloe. The latter two being relatively new characters to the pixiv scene and quite popular to boot and you can't deny how popular Ishuzoku Reviewers have been lately (and the outrage from Funimation viewers among other things). As for Exusiai, the mobile game Arknights has been getting extremely popular as of late, so popular that most artists friends I know have at least drawn some form of fanart for it. (Looking at Steeb who is only drawing Arknights lately lol...) 

Hmm...well I don't blame the sudden spike in popularity. I'm playing Arknights too as a matter of fact. I'm turning into an addict and a slow but certain descent into becoming a whale...>.<;; E-Exu banner next banner... the temptation to whale is too strong xD

Hmm if I'd drawn Exu... I wonder if it would have served as a good catalyst to pull Exu from the coming...  N-no...I must resist.  

I've watched Heavens Feel the second movie back when I was traveling in Malaysia and all I remember from watching it at the cinemas was that there were like 4 subtitles in different languages including English and I thought the fight scenes involving Berserker could have temporarily damaged my ears. Regardless, I thought the fight scenes were done extremely well, I was really impressed with the fight scene between Saber Alter and Heracles. I knew how the fight would turn out but I remember wanting to see Berserker coming out the victor from that clash. Mechanic wise I think he would, wouldn't he? God Hand too op~!

Now if only they made Salter stronger in the actual games, I'd probably grail her over Lalter. 

Getting back to the topic, Sakura will be lewded this month. Maybe drawing her will improve my future chances of rolling for Kama if I haven't quit the game yet (It's too grindy! even Nasu admits it). 



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