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In a fantasy world where semen contains potent magical properties that when swallowed grants a huge boost of magical powers, there exists a race of Dick Faeries that preys on the male population across the globe.

The wizarding research communities seem to have named these fascinating creatures as

Faeus Phallus Nonaglacies

Or in the more common tongue, Dick Faeries. 

Dick Faeries appears to roughly have existed since the first human settlements in the ancient civilization of Snusnu. It's unknown where or how they came to be since the species predates mankind and it's theorized by wandering poets and minstrels who believe they may have been denizens of the moon who came down to the world of mortals by sliding across the night skies against a gooey milky way.

It's quite possible that the demon, Succubi race, may have been their descendants born from Dick Faeries and mortal creatures alike. 

It's widely known that Dick Faeries possess great runic knowledge and their skills at penetrating through the toughest magical barriers are second only to Dragons. Though it's a common mistake to think that the wizards possess a higher level of intellect, history has proven time and again that if it was possible for the Dick Faeries could communicate with mortals, they could have enslaved them to create a mighty empire from using mortals as their slave workforce.

A common scene of a Faerie extraordinaire extracting potent magical semen before the man knows what hit him at the dead of night. 

Faetologists believe them to be a potential threat should they direct their magic towards a common goal of conquest against the human empires. But so far such threats are found unnecessary as the symbiotic relationship between the Fae and Mankind persists to this day. 

Another great benefit of allowing them to extract semen is said to be that the Faeries leave behind unique magical dust which then allows one to regain hair in their balding head. It's a commonly known phenomenon that if a man who had his dick drained by the fae folk was shaven, that momentarily they'll find pubic hair growing rapidly. 

Some Faetologist theorizes that by having a balding individual sleep next to the groin of another will dramatically increase their chances of curing the symptoms of balding. On a similar note, another mythical princess who was locked in a tower was assumed to have had her hair touched by theses faeries which in turn dramatically increased the rate of growth until it was long enough for a man to use her silken hair as a rope to climb the tower much to her discomfort. 

<<The rest of the pages in this entry seems to have become unreadable as the runes are drenched with a slimy viscous liquid>>

<<Faetology lv800 is required to read the damaged Fae runes>>



Yris Miret-njer

Oof, you know how to make a pixy look hot and sexy af, Foxy 💖💖💖💖💖