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With Shadowbringers came the new tank class, the Gunbreaker! I've actually started working on this a month before the launch of Shadowbringers when they announced Gunbreakers will become a playable class. I didn't really have a good grasp on how Gunblades were meant to look like aside from what we've seen used by the Garleans at the time, so I had a basic reference drawn by the commissioner to try and design a conceptual weapon out of it. 

Unfortunately, no WIP gif with this one because I made a human error in working without saving as often as I should ^^;; 

I think the background turned out nicely, reminds me of that one scene in FF7 where a certain katana wielding SOLDIER walks across a field of fire leaving nothing but destruction in his wake. 




Ohhh she looks badass. Queue one winged angel music


My only regret is working on this before they released the Gunblade models...might have been better with more reference to work with aside from the designs we see being used by Garleans.