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It's the exciting conclusion to my 100th episode with "Lifeforce"!


Brandon's Cult Movie Reviews: Lifeforce (Part 2)

It's the finale of my 100th episode with "Lifeforce"! Guest appearances by Linkara & Josh Hadley. Support the show on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/BrandonTenold Twitter: http://twitter.com/BrandonTenold Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialBrandonTenold Channel Awesome: http://channelawesome.com/ Linkara: Official Site: http://atopthefourthwall.com/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/reuisu Twitter: https://twitter.com/Linkara19 Josh Hadley: Official Site: http://www.1201beyond.com/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/radiodrome/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/1201Beyond


Satchmo Dog

Mathilda May turning into a pile of caviar was even erotic and hot as fuck


Congrats on your 100! I saw Lifeforce when I was 16 in a dollar theater several months after it had left the main theaters. I wasn't really a horror fan then (well, still not but I get where it works instead of just dismissing all of it) but I really liked it. It seemed like people didn't 'get it'. Glad you did! Have you ever done Battle Beyond the Stars? I feel like maybe you have but I can't find it. BTW - R rated Sci-Fi movie in theaters now....LIFE about a rapidly evolving life-form found on Mars that proves far more intelligent and terrifying than anyone could have imagined...so maybe someone is listening to you ;-)