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Before we get to the end of the Gamera-A-Thon, time to take a detour to Turkey!


Brandon's Cult Movie Reviews: Turkish Flash Gordon

Time for a Turkified take on one of the original comic-strip heroes with "Turkish Flash Gordon" (1967), where Flash conquers the universe using a laser shooting bra! Support the show on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/BrandonTenold Twitter: http://twitter.com/BrandonTenold Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialBrandonTenold Channel Awesome: http://channelawesome.com/


Gail L. Lewis

Yet again, had to explain why I was howling with laughter in front of the computer.

Abra Naber

All I have to say is "There's a new Brandon Tenold!!" and my family stampedes to the computer. Either that, or they'll hear me braying like a donkey in front of the computer and they'll know to thunder on over.