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Hey everyone.  I've been having some small technical issues which have resulted in the next "Gamera-A-Thon" entry being delayed by a bit.  This has once again forced me to put an old episode here in order to prevent you all from potentially being charged for 3 videos in September.  As a result, patrons will NOT be charged when the next episode does come out.  Thank you all for your patience and support! 


Brandon's Cult Movie Reviews: Challenge of the Tiger

It's chop-socky time as I review the crazy kung fu flick "Challenge of the Tiger" (1980), AKA "Gymkata Killer", starring Richard Harrison and Bruce Le...that's Le with one 'e' you understand... Support the show on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/BrandonTenold



Hope he reviews the 1957 movie The mysterians