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I was really hoping to have my next video posted by Halloween, but the block-bots seem to have it in for this video as much as Toho does!  I suppose that's what I get for doing a 'new' movie on my show.  After a bit of re-editing that video should be posted soon, and when it is Patrons will not be charged for it.  In the meantime here's a text review of Disney's infamous adaptation of Edgar Rice Burroughs "John Carter" that I wrote for Eccentric-Cinema.com way back in 2012.



Simon Esslemont

Hey, Brandon you might have to start using just "stills" of the movie to stop you being blocked in some cases. it sucks but it does allow you to cover allsorts of movie franchises with being hung for it. we watch it for you, not spoon feed what the movie looks like. Its your wit and humour which carries the video; change things around, lets have you in shot with the video that you are reviewing playing "Silently" in the background so us as viewers can see what the movie generally looks like. yes, you would have to risk the occasional clip but rather than it being what we are used to, you can mix things around. anyway, its just a suggestion. regards Simon

Kim Huett

As a young teen I read all of the Mars series by Edgar Rice Burroughs with great enthusiasm and so had high hopes for the film version. When I eventually watched John Carter however the film disappointed me. Yes, it was because of the changes they made to the plot but no, I'm not about to make the usual complaints. The Mars series aren't the sort of books where plot details matter all that much so making changes per se isn't the issue. What disappointed me was the amount of irrelevant action that was inserted. For example somebody added in a sub-plot at the start about some military officer trying to force John Carter to re-enlist or some such. It didn't bother me that this wasn't in the book but delaying the start of the movie with a sub-plot that went nowhere and was irrelevant to the film that followed did irritate. Action of the sort which doesn't advance the plot annoys me greatly and it kept happening in John Carter. If 30-40 minutes were cut from the existing film and a few short sequences re-shot this would be a much tighter, and significantly better, epic. On the other hand I quite liked how they linked the Edgar Rise Burroughs character to John Carter. I was even more impressed at how they explained John Carter being able to travel to Mars and especially how they tied that in with the villain. That was a significant improvement over the book and the sort of cleverness that the plot needed more of. On a side note, the Asylum version of the Burroughs book, a film called Princess of Mars, is surprisingly good given the budget. If these two movie had met somewhere in the middle I would have the John Carter epic I wanted.