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It's sketch time once again boys and girls!  This one is a title card sketch for "3 Supermen and Mad Girl" by Enshohma.  It shows Mad Girl admiring the movie robot's 'chest cannon' while I'm left in the background with the realization that my own gun doesn't measure up.  However, due to some personal problems on Enshohma's end, he was unable to finish it and the more plain photo title card ended up being used instead.  This is a real shame, as I personally think this title card is hilarious and would've much preferred to use it in the video.  Oh well, maybe someday I'll get Enshohma to finish it anyway for shits and giggles.

See more of Enshohma's work here: http://enshohma.deviantart.com/



Gail L. Lewis

It's right about time for a title card calendar. Think about it...

Gail L. Lewis

Great! I have to reclaim my title as Giver of the Wildest Calendar. My brother's won for the past two years and I intend to take him down... ; )