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Ever wanted to watch a kung-fu/blaxsploitation/horror movie hybrid?  Well "Devil's Express" has got you covered!


Brandon's Cult Movie Reviews: DEVIL'S EXPRESS

Time to take a look at the forgotten kung-fu/blaxsploitation/horror movie "Devil's Express", AKA "Gang Wars". Buy this movie on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2Vam7oR GET SOME GEAR: https://teespring.com/kaiju-critic Support the show on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/BrandonTenold TWITTER: http://twitter.com/BrandonTenold FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialBrand... GEEK JUICE: http://geekjuicemedia.com/



What next, Death Line? Bizarre horror movie set in the London Underground, starring Donald Pleasance!

Michael Minnott

It's okay, but it's not a cinema classic like Saturn 3! Hmmm...Kirk Douglas...Harvey Keitel...blaxploitation...Kung-fu...evil robot; I think I've got some real Oscar-bait in mind. I need to write a script ASAP!