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Hey Everyone,

Just thought I'd let everyone know what i'm planning ove rthe Holiday period. 



                           - I will try to stream (internet & god willing) on the following days:

                                            - Tuesday 19-22nd of december. during this week i will be finishing off xmas
                                              comms before end of year. 

                           - Then I will be taking some time off stream until the rest of the year to enjoy it with
                             my  family. 

                           - i intend to start streaming again 1st week of January 2024

        xmas comms & general comms:

                          -  I will try and get all slated stuff done before the end of the year so i can start 2024



                              - as i stated i will plan on streaming during the 1st week of january


                              - January (maybe feburary) I will not be taking in any new commissions. i intend to
                               work on stream and hopefully finish issue 02 of the Brandy comic commissioned
                               way back.  once that is finished i will be opening up comms again. 

        polls & comics:

                              - REMINDER: from January onwards it will be just comic polls on the patreon form
                                now on with each tier getting a vote. 

                              -  Once Brandy comic is finished i will be finishing off overdue Poll pinups then i'll
                                 be moving onto getting the main bulk of comics done as well. 

here's how progress is on current comics as of this post (15/12/23):

Chel's Ritual: 

         2nd page and cover skethed out. Ready for Final artwork

Aunt Cass' New Lodger:

         2nd page sketched out. Ready for final artwork. 

Summers Delights:

         Covers 1 & 2 as well as pages 01-09 skethced out. Ready for final artwork.

Dungeons and mommies: 

          Covers 1&2 as well as pages 01-03 skethced out. ready for final art work. pages 04-06 need
         sketching out. 

Astrid Star Hunter:

          Pages 1 skethced out. ready for final art work. page 02 needs sketching out.

Simpons after Party:

          cover as well as pages 02-10 need sketching out. 

so overall alot of comics to catch up with. but i'm really looking forward to doing it. 2024 will hopefully have alot of comics in it.  

that concludes the update,

happy holidays & cya in 2024,




Thanks for a great year of lovely, sexy artwork, wishing you all the very Best! Hope you have a great time off with family, looking forward to more Sexy artwork pieces in the new year & upcoming Comix!!