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0.1.14 Full Build

  1. Dark mist vision Update. After being defeated by the shadow mist. Or fail for his trick. The dark mist vision will be played. It’s centered around the feminization of the pc. However, I feel some scenes are too short. So I'm improving them as I get more ideas after replaying. The list of improved scenes is here.

       1.1 Corruption stage less than 3 : Expand the scene revolve around the idea of double standard gender roles. Benefits of being treated as a female.

      1.2 Corruption stage = 3 : Expand the scene revolve around pc desire to get her old body back. The vision warps the desire to hunger for cock instead. What a twist!

      1.3 Corruption stage = 6 : The scene could be hotter. So I Expand the scene with pc now physically remove her armor that symbolizes her knight hood. Stripping away who she is. While being replaced by corruption and feminization.

2.   Remake the portrait that is present on the left side. And first image on the appearance. The old portrait was taken before I used sharpening and better lighting. And the visual result is very different. So i have to replace it for consistency in pc appearance.

3.   I’m now creating an adventure handbook guide for players to access. Think of it as an updated walkthrough section but with visuals and more throughout explanation.  It's still work in progress but you can visit it in the walkthrough section of my TFgamesite page.


0.1.14 Early build

  1. Add a new enemy. The Shadow mist in the labyrinth RNG. This new enemy deals fixed low damage but ignores player defense value and deals both physical damage and spirit damage. He can turn into a mist form that gives him high armor and is immune to interruption. Before returning and dealing damage. This move hit hard but can’t interrupt the player's stance. So a defensive stance is a life saver.
  2. Dark mist vision. Instead of a sex scene. Pc can fall in combat or fall for his trickery and get to experiencing feminization vision. Depending on pc current form. The scene will play differently. For example at corruption stage 3 it is playing at pc insecurity about her gender and her desire to get her male equipment back etc.  All corruption stages have their own version of dark mist vision encounter and interaction with this new enemy. So have fun trying it out.

        2.1 Each version of the scene has 2 different outcomes. Either pc resisted the corruption (+2 corruption +40 exp). Or pc gets corrupted in the vision. (+4 corruption +20 exp). So the player can hold on to his male equipment. And easier male route in future updates.

3.   Add the intro phase when engaging the enemy in labyrinth. Now the player can surrender before the fight. Convenient for sex. Obviously.                                                                              

      Support all enemy types. I also add lore/investigation based conversation. Telling more about the mystery surrounding the unknown god and the corruption. Some dialog will lead into a fight. But you can explore additional dialog later when you encounter them again. Giving value to repeated encounters. Some dialogues also have different responses depending on the corruption stage. For example, female corrupt people will see a pc as one of their own  if the pc is female. And worship if pc have become corrupted.


Link!  https://tfgames.site/index.php?module=viewgame&id=2442

Thank you for the support!



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