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Thank you all patrons for supporting us all the way to the release of the Steam early access. The game will be released on February 8, 2022.

Now we are starting to send out emails including steam key to all eligible patrons.
Maybe some of you have already received it and it ran into spam folder, so please check if you recieved a mail from torchent@torch-ent.com .

Thank you again and happy lunar new year.
This's the year of tiger, let's all love tiger together ;)



Illustration by deel 




Can I get a steam key if I'm satisfied with the conditions even if I sponsor now?


We'll send the reward after Patreon settles income each month. So if you satisfied with the conditions you still need to wait until the end of the month.


Can i somewhere get the shape sizes of my beloved TGirl!! You gave me one of the best looking girls ever! Ty for this awesome experience