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Link(MEGA, WorkUpload)
↑This is hotfixed build link ( v0.3.2a )

Press Link to download the file  Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated, you can just comment below or in our discord server.  If there is any game performance problems, press F1 It will show the game status and your  hardware specifications and please provide the screenshot to us. We can use it as the important references of performance improvement.


請點Link下載執行檔 (請確認是否是版本 v0.3.2a )









Oh this is much better that the last version, good job! More massage techniques would be nice and more progression but I think is short due to early development. Some ability to move cloth on the girl, like sliding up the towel when on the upper thighs. Personally, I would love to see a naive and shy character who Mr. Orc can tease and seduce. It seems that Elf girl gets to the sex too fast, but again, that might just be because of early development. Overall, it's looking good and performance for me was also good. Although I could not cum at the second sex scene, not sure if that is intended or a bug.


Same here with the second sex scene not being able to progress.


Hey, I appreciate the hard work that's gone into this game so far, and I'm excited to see the full game when it's finally complete! I like all of the elements you've added to the game in this update and everything seems like it's moving in the right direction. A few notes of my personal opinion: -I enjoyed the sex scene from the previous build a bit more due to its fluidity. The new one seems a bit stiff, though I do appreciate you adding the ability to finish. -The "sweet spots" mechanic seems a bit ambiguous at the moment. What works one round won't even register the second. It's hard to determine where on the lower legs, butt, or ears to massage in order to get that extra fatigue. -It's already been mentioned, but you can't finish a second time. The game just awkwardly has you alt+tab and close it. There's no real way of reaching a menu to quit or anything.




Thank you for your suggestions! I'm not sure what makes it seems fluidity or stiff. We'll go check it. Yep we know some mechanics interface and hint is not obvious enough, some mechanics are not well designed. We'll improve them one by one. The hotfix build is showed up, go check it. Quit menu will not be made at the beta moment, please be patient.

Mr. L

Is there supposed to be more additional Discord channels available? I have tried clicking the various reactions shown, and restarting Discord, but still the only channel visible is the role assignment channel.


I had an issue with Jizz continuing to come from Penis after sex scene. Other than that keep up the great work!



屁 大屁

1.甜蜜點的效益不大,自從我買了升級後就算沒有按到甜蜜點也可以把疲勞按完,或許可以新增關於甜蜜點的獎勵機制? 2.甜蜜點定義模糊,開按之前跟精靈小姐聊天她會說哪個部位想要怎麼按,但是實際開案後照著按也沒有甜蜜點,有點迷。 3.希望能增加內射/外射選項 4.做過第一次後,建議精靈小姐的對話可以跟沒做過的有區別 5.裡面的英文歌很好聽XDD






If you change the camera during the cowgirl scene and go to give another massage your camera placement is different.