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Hopefully everyone is doing well. I just wanted to share a little about what I am doing and what I have been thinking. We have been working on The Lost Facility for a bit now and I took a slight break due to the pc issues I had and also we were approaching the texturing phase which requires me to record and render at the same time which is pretty heavy on a computer. I had to figure out something that would work that would allow me to record and render at the same time. I have that resolved, and the pc issues resolved now, but the Houdini 20 sneak preview came out, which shook up my plans again.
I had decided I would render the final project in VRay due to the awesome cloud system it has, but when the preview dropped and I saw all those cloud tools, it made me rethink that decision.
My plan now is to wait until H20 and I can test out those cloud tools along with the new updates to Karma and make a decision on whether or not to use Karma for the final render. Ideally, that is what I will do so that it is available to everyone since Karma is included with Houdini.
I cannot express how excited I am for H20. 19.5 was a little bit of a letdown for me because the updates were all great, but I just didn't use many of the tools that got updated very often. H20 seems to have a lot more in it that I will use and I am extremely excited to take a look at it all with you.
Aside from all that, I have been brainstorming some video ideas and I'm working on quite a few things right now. I have a few shorts that I have recorded and will be posting going forward on Thursdays so keep an eye out for those on YouTube. I have already posted a couple. Right now I am focusing on hotkey tips for those. I also have been talking about vector fields recently, so I have some more things planned for that as well.
I'm more motivated now than ever to be creating things and I can't wait for Houdini 20 to release so we can look at all the new stuff together. Thanks for sticking with me over the last couple of months while I worked through some things. Let me know what your favorite thing from the sneak preview was and I'm really looking forward to what's going on these next few weeks.


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