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Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/s/ug1sj1y4t4n7tbr/Twice_moments_that_will_be_never_forgetten.mp4?dl=0

Watch or download using GDrive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bTHUBnKaWqf2HEDKLwGCgjlOiS6WE5Qo/view?usp=sharing



The Lazy Ass Gamer

On the part where Tzuyu received a call and the others were visibly concerned on the V-Live app, some say, the members may have thought that the call was from Tzuyu's bf or special someone that they wish to remain "Anonymous" hence the really really visible concern, apart from Momo which only smiles on hearing that there was a call ♥️😎