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Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/s/iaucf6ywalexkc8/bts_sea.mp4?dl=0

Watch or download using GDrive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MoFiYx_3ST9yhyxaZcv0Ru4IjBGPFU2l/view?usp=sharing




I usually don't like long ass reactions to songs, but Aaron is just different 😂


hidden tracks are the ones only included with the sale of physical albums or preorder of digital ones.


sea/ocean = hope (cause water gives life). desert = despair, struggle (where there's no water. they mention mirage, what seems like water but isn't. they question whether the sea they see is a mirage (meaning actually a desert) and not water/hope, a ray of light, a breakthrough. but then they realise that hope and despair, happiness and sadness, struggles/hard work and success are a pair and cannot be separated from each other, just like the desert and water (they come together as beach and sea/ocean). and that all this is just life and they have to go through it all (everything the same thing with a different name, its life again, and the last line sung by V).


18:35 the translation is a bit off from here. The lyric changes to "where there is hope, there is despair," hence that is why the lyric ends in "we need to despair for all the trials." My interpretation of the song is that you shouldn't be too emotionally invested in either hope or despair since it is the same thing with the different name. Wow I feel like a Buddhist for saying that last sentence.


yeah they shared a lot of personal issues they've dealt/dealing right now. its also why its a hidden track, its pretty personal to both bts and armys also, idk what to share since im brain rotting right now, but a short opinion, this song is from ly:her where you can say that bts is pretty up there worldwide. i think there is a skit in the same album (forgive me, i forgot :p) where they said that they've reached so far above their goals that now, they're scared. i think i can say that they're experiencing a burnout. this song basically tells some of those feelings


because it contains their internal struggle, that's why sea is hidden track aaron. it will cause much opinions if it was include on their playlist.


I always cry hearing that song! BTS are so strong and i am thankful for what they did and do!

Dyah Agustina Murtafiah

Woaah, you're the second reactor I watch that said this song has unusual structure. Joey Nato also said that, he is a music producer...it's a bit funny watching both of you waiting for chorus with enthusiasm and there's none 😅

Don't call me.

Exactly, espacially If we think about what they Said in that one Award speech where everyone was crying. Also after this ly tear was released. And the First Thing we heard about that Album was singularity. So i believe that also correlates how they feel kind of isolated to other artists and lonely now that they are at the top and have achived Eversthing they wanted.