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Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/s/gunxpt6ngeiibqc/Hotel%20De%20Luna%20Ep5pt1-1.m4v?dl=0

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The school girl is Kang Mina and she's an idol! She was in IOI together with Somi and Chungha :) Now she's in Gugudan. She looks very young but I think she's 21 right now

Mr Jackpots

How did he hear it fell near the lake? I asked that very same question, the curse of a logical mind. Then I put it aside after watching many Kdramas and noticing that in a city of 10 million people the exact person needed for the plot is immediately found. Put it down to karma or, Fate.


i think its cuz when they released the floating thing in the beginning the bride girl was following it looking for it, and told him it might be around the lake


Not a spoiler as this is actually my first time watching this drama, but I just noticed a bit of potential foreshadowing in Man Wol's memories of Yeon Wu - he said that according to a fortune teller, he was supposed to live as long as the tree, but he would give all his time to her, even if it meant him dying. I know its not the same tree, and I doubt it has anything to do with the actual plot, but I thought it was a clever line as, presumptively, that's what happened (Man Wol is living as long as a tree while the people she knew before died)