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Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/s/3vfswf0u6copvi7/Hotel%20De%20Luna%20Ep4pt2-1.m4v?dl=0

Watch or download using GDrive https://drive.google.com/file/d/15hzcyEs7CBVbYxlZfaiwl5KNfbw3yicl/view?usp=sharing



Mr Jackpots

Really happy you're getting into this and there are a lot more dramas that deal with the supernatural that are just as good. Koreans are masters at storytelling, cinematography and acting. It's easy to get overwhelmed with IU's beauty and forget that Man Wol really is very dangerous and vengeful. That's what makes her slow return to life and soft emotions so fascinating. Bits of her past will be revealed very slowly one drop at a time with many misdirections so it will be quite some time before you know all the truth. If you don't know the mythology surrounding Ma Go there are plenty of surprises ahead.


Haha the ending was amazing it really took me by suprise


Gu Chan Seong you lucky bastard!!

Ma-aena Lola

your confused blank face had me dying lmao