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 Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/s/mh69yaowzo8qt0o/we_got_married_with_joy_ep16.mp4?dl=0

 Watch or download using GDrive https://drive.google.com/file/d/17xo2SO1Muks4S30E1iR862-HjgakuE--/view?usp=sharing



Johnny Deep

The More you see their episode, the more you believe in Bbyu~ couple :) .. I don't know if they still have feelings for each other like this presently, but it's nice to see their episodes and live our fantasies thru them.


Joy x Dogs have been a continuous saga. The first time I watched her volunteer was here in WGM. Then another one during Red Velvet individual activity, another one by herself. The dog centre later on said that Joy comes there often during her free time. Just a month a go she helped promoting the adoption of abandoned dog of one of non profit organization (they did not ask Joy to do it, but she did it out of her own will), and the non profit organization said because her help, over 100 people called over the organization. And just yesterday, she posted another activity with the abandoned dog centre with a famous Korean dog trainer. I think they’re up to some kind of campaign 🥺 Koreans know how Joy is very affectionate to dogs and children 🥺She said, the reason she loves dog is because they like her just the way she is, and she likes the feeling of beeing needed by them. Eventhough she seems strong she’s very self conscious, you must’ve realized it by now that Joy often says something like “I’m too heavy” ; “I’m not good at this though..” during WGM— while its very easy for her to compliment others, says thank you, ans say sorry— She’s such a pure soul 💚