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 Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/s/weikke0kw0v3se6/Bts%20Bv%20S3ep1-1.m4v?dl=0

 Watch or download using GDrive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1me7dJqJidRlOWfJl9tZn1IoDFaDbJPdW/view?usp=sharing




this is just a fun fact but bts' accomodation in malta is actually haunted lmao


Aaron You are amazing how you study Korean by yourself. As a Korean, I feel so good when you understand what they're saying. You're doing very well. Always thank you for your honest video. You nice, keep going♡


V's grandfather passed away right before their departure so he couldn't leave Korea for few days. He will join them at episode 4.


Hey everyone! I am commenting on Aaron's behalf to let you know Aaron currently has no internet and will be unable to post new reactions for the time being. Everything should go back to normal soon once his internet comes back online. Thank you for your patience.