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Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/s/yh2c2aw9df5y9f0/Twice%20Idol%20Room%2010-1.m4v?dl=0

WATCH THIS VIDEO WITH YT PLAYER OR DOWNLOAD IT HERE https://drive.google.com/open?id=1PDgj7GqVXnCYdLyQBRihwh0iE25g-NUf






Thankyou ! Please react to running man or weekly idol too


Link's not working :)


Chaeyoung usually writes her rap parts in the songs they cover! She has written the most lyrics for twice songs out of everyone in the group!! If you ever want to check out a song she wrote, listen to "strawberry" from their FANCY YOU album :)


He almost lost the job because Onces got mad of that action as well. It is true that they are really close since they travelled together before but they find that too much. But in the end he apologized and they continue to have good relationships.


Please also react to the other Idol Room and Weekly Idol episodes of TWICE.


don’t worry they’re really close and have a good friendship and if i recall correctly they did travel together back then. like someone commented as well he did apologize


Oh wow didnt expect this

strange& sleepless

I totally agree with you. The hosts simply don't know how to be funny, they have the humor of a 10 year old, literally the only times I am laughing when watching their show is because of the idols, I have never, not once laughed because of them. And I feel so bad for the idols because they have to fake laugh with them even though they so obviously don't think it's funny either. They desperately try to make it funny trough embarrassing their guests and making them uncomfortable and even sometimes hurting them. One of the guys once sat on Renjun from NCT's leg and you could literally see the pain on his face as the guy is not particularly light and renjun is a skinny guy, and they were just laughing about it. They are also kind of creepy, making their guests do sexy dances or acts and things like kissing each other on the cheek and stuff (even though the idols said they don't like doing it) all the time and freak out over it. You can see how genuinely uncomfortable they are on their faces sometimes. And they can't call them out or do something against it because the general public in Korea likes these guys for some reason and they'd call the idols rude and disrespectful if they did. If you want a show that is not uncomfortable to watch, watch twice on knowing bros. The concept of the show is literally to disrespect each other but they are SO much nicer and actually know how to make roasting funny and not just awkward. And most importantly they don't hurt the idols. + Heechul is part of that show so I'm sure it would be interesting for you to see twice interact with him.


They´re so funny. You should react to Knowing bros or Running Man too :)

strange& sleepless

People are saying they have a good relationship and are actually friends but I don't believe that a tiny bit. I think it's all for show. And also, Twice don't write their title tracks BUT they have especially with the last two albums, been writing most of the B sides and they are really good thats why you need to react to them!!!. Fun fact Chaeyoung has written the most lyrics for Twice songs out of all the members. You need to listen to love foolish which is written by Momo, get loud by Jihyo, Turn it up by Sana, Trick it by Dahyun, Strawberry by Chaeyoung and many more.


Lol I can see you get uncomfortable every time Doni was on screen, your smile fades away, but I appreciate the reaction anyway.


thank you~!


I believe Twice have a comfortable friendship with the MCs. They requested to be on the show on a free day during their Fancy era when frankly Twice is big enough to not need to promote on variety if they don't want to or are uncomfortable. Jeongyeon also invited Doni's family to one of their concerts last year so they're likely friends with one another off camera as well and Doni and Coni are simply playing characters for the show. On other variety shows where it was earlier in Twice's career and Doni was there, you can see how comfortable Twice are with him.


I watch idol room for the idols. Cus I also don't really like the guy. But In contrast I watch knowing bros for their comedy but with an Idol group it's a plus. Also twice in knowing bros is hilarious.

Chad Williams

I love the mcs people are too soft today

Jessica Will

Your dislike for people you don't know is weird, imo. They're comedians. There are comedians that are far worse in America. Get over it, bro. Twice are friends with these hosts.

Jessica Will

Blah blah blah, I like the pretty people, and the fat people are evil. Get over yourself. 🙄

Tony S

Twice and Doni/Coni are very close. They appeared with them many times on Weekly Idol in the past. At some point, Weekly Idol restructured and let the hosts and most of the staff go. They went on to create this show, Idol Room, on vlive. Twice has appeared on the new show many times (this is the first one) and has NOT returned to Weekly Idol since. I've always seen that as a pretty big statement from Twice to choose the guys over the network.

Rayah ☺︎

Both your comments sound so rude and arrogant. Saying that he’s disliked because he’s fat. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Grow up.