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Hello everyone!

As promised last week, some highlights from my recent trip to New Orleans! Syd (my fiance) and I flew out on Monday to meet up with the Creepy podcast crew. I've been fortunate enough to meet Jon Grilz on a couple of occasions now, but this was the first time in Creepy's 7+ years that almost all of the narrators were in the same place together! Also, it was my first time in New Orleans, so a lot to see!

Day #1

Right off the plane, Syd and I stopped at NOLA PoBoys! 

After that, we stopped at a small bookshop across from our hotel. When I say it was floor to ceiling books, well, you can see what I mean...

That night we went on a ghost tour with the Creepy crew, our first stop was a haunted restaurant! Reportedly, the former Pierre, would throw and smash glasses in poltergeist fashion. This all stopped when he was invited to the restaurant properly, with a table and a glass of (fine) wine set out for him every night. 

Here's a photo of a pretty street

And this is a nunnery. It is also the home to the 'Casket Girls' who supposedly lived in the attic, behind those five barred windows!

Nick Cage lived here (also it's the site of some horrendous events)

Bonus: Creepy church next to our hotel

Day #2

The second day mostly consisted of our Creepy town hall meeting. So early afternoon we all went to the Vampire Apothecary, a cute little restaurant just down the street from where we were staying. We met upstairs in this quaint little room they had, adorned with vampire paintings and decor.

This first image is everyone mid-meeting. Oh you noticed that terrifying painting on the wall? Well, that's a rendition of the 'Casket Girls'! There's another equally large and beautiful painting on the wall just out of camera too.

It was great meeting everyone. Can you believe Creepy started seven years ago?!

From left to right, back row: JV, Alicia, Nate, myself, Dannie, Rissa, Dakota and Jon

In the front row is Jimmy, Meagan, Michelle, Dannie (again) and Owen!

After our meeting, everyone split up for their own adventures!

Jimmy found some gator sausage.

Nate explored a pharmaceutical museum

And Syd & I took a little nap before heading out to enjoy the nightlife! Can you believe it was this busy on a Tuesday evening?!

Day #3

Most folks were flying back home on Wednesday, Syd and I included. Our flight was in the afternoon, so we had some time to walk around in the morning! Mostly, we just looked at pretty buildings, but we spotted some cool things like...

A steamboat!

This pretty building (we also debated if it was 'brutalism' or not)

A weird bird! (I wanna say it was a Muscovy Duck?)

This creepy shuttered building! (I took a lot of photos of this one) 

And then it was time to go home! We saw some really pretty clouds!

And later that night, after we were home, Nate found a vampire speakeasy, featuring a cat! (Not pictured: Nate. I don't know who this person is). Apparently this was across the street from our hotel the whole time!

Day #4

Of course, our cats, Atlas & Cheesewheel missed us. In fact, Cheesewheel missed us so much that he woke us up with some light piano playing. You'd be surprised at how delicate his heavy paws can be. 

He really knows how to stomp on a piano at 7am.

And that's my little journey! 


Michael Malcom

Don't tease.....if this isn't a story put that up front.....man, I thought I was gonna be on the edge of my seat again 😭😭😭😭😭 for shame.....do better. Your stories are like crack....gotta get my fix man


We have more stories coming soon, a LOT more! ;) March 19 we have a special episode, then March 26 we dive into our next big season! Then it's new episodes every week until the end of the year!


Also: i vote modernism in case of that building