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You guys rock! We're floored by all the support coming in these first few days!

New episodes will go up every Tuesday, and Patrons $5+ will get a bonus episode every Wednesday.

Bonus episodes might be a little bit shorter than our full length episodes (at least to start) and it'll mainly consist of the entries that we can't do on the main feed (usually because they have no addendums for our actors, or we didn't get to them within our first season selection.)

Patrons $10+ will get to vote on future bonus episodes from a pre-selected pool (expect this to open up after next week's tale). Folks at this tier can also expect to get a personalized letter from us! It'll be written in an SCP style, and delivered to you digitally, and you can expect that roughly a week after signing up.

Now that the technical stuff is out of the way, I wanted to let you guys know that tomorrow you can expect Nichole Goodnight's reading of SCP-173 to be up, and next week we'll be releasing SCP-055 and the tale "We Need to Talk About 055."

Stay tuned here, I'll be posting a few production updates, and maybe some sneak peaks of future content!

Keep kicking ass,

Pacific S. Obadiah


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