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Hello Patreons!

All Right?

The newest animation starring the little atomic Pole is ready!

This animation underwent some changes during production, as you could see in the information I released during the week, I had some parts with rendering problems and others I made a mistake by putting the quality too high, so the rendering took too long.

Due to these problems I changed the script to a slightly simpler one. I mixed it with an image that a Patreon showed me on the Hardcore Lady's Discord, to inspire me for the part where she turns the guy upside down.

The ideas that were left out of this animation I intend to reuse in the next animation by Lechoslawa.

The animation is already on the Hardcore Ladys website. If you have any problems accessing it, please send me a message.

A gallery based on this animation will be made and released on saturday.

I want to thank everyone for their support, patience, comments, messages and ideas.

Thank you so much for allowing me to do all this!



Eline beesje

It's insane look at the size of her muscle this is way to easy for her!


Nice work! Although I didn't know that Poles spoke with a British accent ;)