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Hello Patreons!

All Right?

Lechoslawa follows her total dominance over the 3 guys hurting them psychologically and mainly physically.

The little atomic Polish girl shows off her abusive strength by doing frightening things that increasingly make men scared!

This story takes place in the same universe as Ultimate Rise and before the fight against Hemy.

The newest story is already on the Hardcore Ladys website!

-->Patreons I want to thank you for your support, ideas, comments and messages.

If you have any problems accessing the site, please send me a message!

Soon I bring news of the next story on an Everyday is a Hardcore Day!

Thanks again for all the support!



Bernard Phillips

By far my favorite girl of yours, she's just what I like a superstrong girl with no regard for anyone or anything...will there be a video coming ?? Thanks


Hello Bernard! I'm always very happy when you guys express how much you like the Hardcore Ladies and say which one is your favorite! I was thinking about animating that part where she bearhugs the guy or the part where she rips her arms off. This second one would be a great challenge! I'm going to do a poll on Monday with 3/4 themes of what you would like to see animated, I think it would be really cool to have this interaction with Patreons. Thank you for ocmment and suport my work.


Another amazing update for the fan favorite Lech. I adore how she does not stop at simply breaking the strong man's bones using leverage, but relishes the excitement of slowly tearing them clean off with only the strength of her unstoppable arms! She destroys another man into a small package for interrupting thoughts as she uses her imagination for the future Hemy match! Such a great story of how Lech practiced for one of her greatest strength feats of all time when her trained muscles defeated Ultimate Energy up close in front of huge crowds. It is Lech's love of performance and making great spectacle shows of her muscle size and strength that makes her the best!


Crushing people with Ultimate Energy is one of Lechoslawa's favorite pastimes! On her way to the top she always makes it clear that her muscles are her real strength!