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Lechoslawa Rage Day 3 Part 1 is ready!

This new story is pretty cool, I got ideas from Patreon to make the base of this story.

An interesting point is that this story takes place in the same universe where the Ultimate Rise saga takes place. It's a canonical story. The story takes place before the fight between Hemy vs Lechoslawa.

In this first part Lechoslawa will mess with the psychological of 3 men who were stupid enough not to obey her warning!

The story is already on the Hardcore Ladys website!

If you have any problems logging in, send me a message.

Thank you all for your support, comments, messages and ideas.

Thank you so much for allowing me to do what I love!

Hope you like the story!

And let's go to part 2!



Marek Jarecki

Lechoslawa is the bestest. And i like she is not so bulk as some other characters. Please more "slimmer" characters!:) Lechoslawa style, abs, she really looks awesome. Nice details!


Once again Lech demonstrates her strength with such art. Not content to just lift a man, not content to just throw a man, but to throw him to such heights as never seen before! Lech graces us all with such unforgettable spectacle to be remembered forever.


She has 3 men to have fun with and they can't escape her! For each one she wants to show different forms of pain through the strength of her muscles.